New - TOA Zoom Plugin

Posted: 8 October 2014

The new "TOA Zoom" plugin is included in version 1.1.4 of the TOA Manipulators library. It's a close relative to the existing "TOA Move" plugin and lets you move an entire 3D TOA audio scene around!

TOA Zoom

The scene is shown on the plugin screen as a circle which can be moved around the audience, for instance to give the impression that the audience is moving around within an existing 3D performance, or to bring the sound of a thunderstorm in from the far distance until it is all around. A distance model is provided to strengthen the effect when the scene is further away.

This plugin's algorithm is a very close relative to the "Zoom" mode of the "TOA Move" plugin. We thought the Zoom mode in the last release was just so good we had to give it its own plugin!