O7A Screen Resizer

O7A Screen Resizer

Host Support

Host TypeSupport





This plugin modifies a 3D O7A mix by moving sounds from some directions to others. It is designed for use with 3D mixes which match a film image. The plugin moves sounds to compensate for a change in the screen size on which the film is to be presented, moving on-screen sounds to keep them in the same position relative to the image.

This plugin produces a very specific movement. Other movements are available in the O7A Move plugin.

The screen is assumed to be in front of the audience. Sounds outside the screen but in front of the audience are stretched or expanded to make up the remaining space around the new screen.

The original screen size is shown in a display in red and the new screen size in green/blue. The screen is assumed to be flat; if it seems surprising that the upper and lower edge of the screen as shown on the display are curved, consider the elevation of the top centre and top left points on the screen (the top left point is further away).

The plugin is available in the O7A Manipulators plugin library.


Control: Aspect

This is the aspect ratio of the screen (for instance, 4:3, 16:9 or 2.39:1). This is the ratio of the width to the height of the image.

Control: From Angle

This is the original angular width of the screen, measured in degrees. This is visible in the display as the width of the red image.

Control: To Angle

This is the new angular width of the screen, measured in degrees. This is visible in the display as the width of the green/blue image.