New Plugins: O3A Music
Posted: 7 June 2023

We're pleased to announce we're adding the O3A Music plugin library to our Pro Audio studio range.
Classic Studio Effects
We had a think about tools that would help folk prepare musical content for O3A, particularly for Virtual Reality. Our existing plugin libraries already provide a range of different panners, reverbs, EQ, compression and so on, but we had not addressed classic studio effects like chorus and overdrive.

The plugins evolved during development and testing and have ended up with some quite sophisticated 'targetting' features, so you can choose to aim these effects in particular directions.
Shells Panners
We were also interested by musical experiments for Virtual Reality where it is possible to wander among a number of musical instruments. A way to present scenes like this is to use a mix of mono source objects for close-up sounds, and two ambisonic beds at close and far distances for everything else. These can all then be rendered in game engines like Rapture3D Universal.
So, we've built a couple of new panners that hopefully make this sort of project easier.

These 'shells' plugins are probably on the experimental end of things, but we think they have quite a bit of potential. Please let us know how you get on with them!